Monday, November 26, 2007

I started a fire......

I did something REALLY dumb the other day - namely starting a fire in the kitchen, by lighting the burner under a rack holding a greasy paper towel. (We had been frying taco shells earlier). Talk about flammable! I put my pot of organic mac and cheese on the back burner, turned on the front one, and walked out of the kitchen. Then I looked up, and the rack was blazing merrily. I freaked out, but fortunatly my mom was there, and she threw the rack in the sink, and poured water on it. Phew! That was a scare! Here's some pictures from afterwards:

Also, here's some pictures of Levi, five weeks old!


1 comment:

christine said...

I know how scarry that can be. I nearly caught our house on fire when I was three playing with candles when my mom told me not to. It took me about four years before my mom could leave the room with the stove on without me freaking out.