Friday, November 30, 2007

A Birthday!

My sister Abbie has a birthday today! Here are some pictures: (sorry there's so many!)

Her cake in the making:

One on top of the other...

I decided not to frost the sides

Abbie with her cake

Right now they are watching The Return of the King, and after that, we're going to Burger King (Abbie's favorite place to eat). Then she'll open her presents :D

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Personality Quiz

You Are An INFJ

The Protector

You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.
You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.

In love, you truly see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.
You enjoy relationships as long as they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.

At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.
You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable

*addition from Emma* Here's mine:

You Are An ENFJ

The Giver

You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.

In love, you are very protective and supporting.
However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous.

At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud

Monday, November 26, 2007

I started a fire......

I did something REALLY dumb the other day - namely starting a fire in the kitchen, by lighting the burner under a rack holding a greasy paper towel. (We had been frying taco shells earlier). Talk about flammable! I put my pot of organic mac and cheese on the back burner, turned on the front one, and walked out of the kitchen. Then I looked up, and the rack was blazing merrily. I freaked out, but fortunatly my mom was there, and she threw the rack in the sink, and poured water on it. Phew! That was a scare! Here's some pictures from afterwards:

Also, here's some pictures of Levi, five weeks old!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Giving While Receiving

Give food to the hungry while improving your vocabulary. What could be better than that?

This is what Emma posted earlier, but I thought it would be cool to have a link to it. I stole the pic from my mom's blog.

My apron

An apron I made in sewing class.

Picture 4088.jpg

Sorry I haven't been writing. For some reason Blogger wouldn't let me sign in!

*Edit from Emma* I gave your post a title, because when it doesn't have one, pretty much the whole post shows up as the title in the list of posts, which looks wierd.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Church Picnic!!!!

We had a great church picnic today, at an REALLY pretty state park. Fried chicken (welcome after years of barbecue!), games, hiking trails, and so on, made it enjoyable, but tiring. Sorry you couldn't make it, Christine! However, you can see some pictures from it. ;D

My Latin teacher wins the sack race. (Girl's race, and eliminations!)

We won the water balloon toss, twice in a row!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cool cups!

We went to this REALLY neat place for Christine's birthday, and we just now got the results. You're allowed to paint a wide variety of ceramic objects (we chose cups), and they fire and glaze it for you, and you can pick it up in a few days! Here's some pictures. Cups with their respective owners.

We look SO proud, don't we ;D

My cup^ (It's not really lopsided like that)

Christine's cup^ (her's isn't lopsided either)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A cool apple...

This was the most interestingly marked apple that I've ever seen.

Friday, November 9, 2007


Here's a poem I wrote today, to post on the Rebelution forum. Inspired by 
Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, chapter 10. :D

God is good and great and holy -
how much do these words express?
Not enough to tell us fully
of Him and His great goodness.

God is perfect, just in power,
infinite, and wise as well;
yet he saves us, sinful, lowly,
with mercy that no tongue can tell!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Abraham pushing his little sister on our swing in the back yard....notice all the leaves!

Jump on!

Come on.....take the picture!

Around again.....

Oops, lost your hat!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A reader in the house!

Today my little brother, Abraham, read eight pages out of a spelling book! Here's a picture of him with it. Looks proud, doesn't he? ;D


Monday, November 5, 2007

I made some strawberry cordial today. Yummy!! It's really good, and I decided to share the really simple recipe with all you gals. (I'm sooooo nice ;D) Note: the captions describe what's going on in the pictures ABOVE them. I just though that might be a bit confuzziling ;D

Here's your ingredients: Frozen strawberrys, and some cans of ginger ale. Equipment: a blender and large pitcher.

Pour half a can of ginger ale into the blender, and add 3 to 6 large frozen strawberrys. Three will give you a nice clear cordial and a faint flavor, and six will give you a stronger flavor and more pulp. Choose what you prefer. *Note: Don't be tempted to add more strawberrys, or the results will be more of a thin smoothie than a cordial*

Press liquify (and study all the gross dust on your blender!)

Let it whiz!

After whizzing.

Pour the results into the pitcher....

...there should be only a small bit at the bottom.

Start pouring in cans of ginger ale.

I use about six.

There will be lots of foam on the top! Most of it should settle down, but you might have to....

....scrape tha last of it off.

Enjoy! You can add sugar if you want.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy birthday Christine!!!!!!!!!

Christine turned 15 today!! What did you get from your grandma? I called earlier, and your mom said that you were unwrapping the present she brought. I have your present ready, but you don't jolly well know what it is, no sah, you don't! But I think you'll like it. I'm making a video of us on ShowBiz, and I'll be posting on here later. Toodle pip!


You're an admin!

Hey Christine, I made you an administrator on here, so now you can change the template, edit my posts, and whatnot, without signing into my account.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Today my little sister Abbie came inside, brokenhearted, to give my mom the last zinnias of the year. :( She's so little that she doesn't understand that they'll come back in the spring, and she cried for at least thirty minutes about it. Here's 
a pic that my mom took of herself holding them. (Note Levi in the baby carrier!) We pressed one of them in a dictionary, and put the rest into a cup of water. My mom was telling me that she remembers doing the exact same thing about some pussywillow, when she was little. Little kids are so sweet.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Piano Playing

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Poem about Fall

I have always had this weird feeling about Fall that I can't describe. I wrote this poem in the hope of doing it to some extent.....

Fall is here!
I can feel it in the air -
wood burning
cold winds
crackling leaves
bare trees standing stark against the sky.

Fall has come!
I can smell it on the breeze -
pumkin pie
rain from afar
grey skys
winds that whip your hair around your face.

What is it about Fall
that brings that feeling of Nostalgia?

I don't know;
is Nostalgia the right word?
I don't think so -
then what is?

What word describes it?

Christine's first post

I'm sooo excited about having a blog together!!! My mom gave me the idea for the title, she was talking to me about how Emma is like the sister I never had and how she was given to me through God's grace, and that's how we came up with the name.

Your profile

Oh, and you can write your own profile if you want, Christine :D

Welcome to the blog!

Hi Christine, go ahead and post! It only shows my name under our avatar, but I put your name in the blog description at the top, so I guess it really doesn't matter :D When you have accepted the invitation to post, I think you'll be able to mess around with the colors and everything too. And no one we don't invite can see the blog, so we don't have to worry about nasty comments like one does in a open-to-all blog.