Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cool cups!

We went to this REALLY neat place for Christine's birthday, and we just now got the results. You're allowed to paint a wide variety of ceramic objects (we chose cups), and they fire and glaze it for you, and you can pick it up in a few days! Here's some pictures. Cups with their respective owners.

We look SO proud, don't we ;D

My cup^ (It's not really lopsided like that)

Christine's cup^ (her's isn't lopsided either)

1 comment:

Erica said...

I was going to comment on the other blog, Emma, but I just didn't get around to it. So I will here!

Those cups are so neat!! I love going to those places! I made a piggy bank once--it was so cute! I also made a light switch cover a different time. I absolutely love it! Maybe when I take pictures of my room to show you, I'll take a picture of it. :)