Monday, November 5, 2007

I made some strawberry cordial today. Yummy!! It's really good, and I decided to share the really simple recipe with all you gals. (I'm sooooo nice ;D) Note: the captions describe what's going on in the pictures ABOVE them. I just though that might be a bit confuzziling ;D

Here's your ingredients: Frozen strawberrys, and some cans of ginger ale. Equipment: a blender and large pitcher.

Pour half a can of ginger ale into the blender, and add 3 to 6 large frozen strawberrys. Three will give you a nice clear cordial and a faint flavor, and six will give you a stronger flavor and more pulp. Choose what you prefer. *Note: Don't be tempted to add more strawberrys, or the results will be more of a thin smoothie than a cordial*

Press liquify (and study all the gross dust on your blender!)

Let it whiz!

After whizzing.

Pour the results into the pitcher....

...there should be only a small bit at the bottom.

Start pouring in cans of ginger ale.

I use about six.

There will be lots of foam on the top! Most of it should settle down, but you might have to....

....scrape tha last of it off.

Enjoy! You can add sugar if you want.

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